July 22, 2012

Blogging Tip #6: Increase Blog's Traffic

       In this tip, your blog must have ads right? But now the problem is you have very few visitors. There's very low chance to earn from your ads. Now, the problem is you don't have good amount of visitors. In order to increase the number of your visitors or traffic, you need to consider the things listed below.

  • Promote Your Blog in Social Networking Sites/Forum
    You should join in some popular networking sites or forum. Share about your blog. Put some links whenever new posts are published. Make sure you have lots of followers or friends so there is a big possibility that a few of them will visit.
  • Create/Update a Post
    You need to update or create new posts. Your blog will be updated every time a new post or update has been done so make sure you have tons of ideas to be shared.
       Now, start promoting your blog.

July 15, 2012

Blogging Tip #5: Earn Money With Your Blog

       You may have heard about earning money online just by blogging. Earn money through blogging? Yes it true and I'm sure you can! Just make sure you've got some posts already. Maybe 10 posts is good. But more than 10 is much better. But remember, earning through blogging is not a get rich quick type of online job. It needs some months or years to have a good and stable earnings from it. It needs some time, effort, and patience. Now, if your looking on how to earn money too fast then blogging is not a good option. But if you have patience, then I will help you how to earn money just by blogging.

       The following are the best ways on how you can earn money with your blog:

  • Register for an Advertising Agency
    Do you know what is advertising agency? Click here if not. Do know some advertising agencies? If not, click here. This is the area which will give much more revenue compared to others so be sure to have one.
  • Affiliate Programs
    What is Affiliate Program? What is meant by affiliate? Affiliate is person which is abide by the terms and conditions of a particular company or organization as a member. When you become an affiliate, you can advertise their company or organization and when someone joins them under you (or what we call referral), you will earn a commission. It's not hard to get an account for this programs. So be sure to sign up now.
  • Amazon Associates
    Many bloggers said that Amazon is a nice place to earn by applying as an associate. Like marketing, you'll get some revenue when you can drive a visitor to Amazon and will make a purchase.
  • Promote Your Store
    You can sell your products online through Ebay. Use your blog to advertise your items.


July 8, 2012

Blogging Tip #4: How To Create a Good Post

       You didn't need to be an editor-in-chief nor the assistant-editor in chief to create a good post. You don't need to have lots of vocabulary of unfamiliar words just to show your readers that you're really good in English. All you need is a simple English, correct spellings and correct grammar. For me, you don't need to use complicated words because some of your readers don't understand those words so just use simple words. Just make it simple but informative post. There are things that I think a blogger should consider in creating a post and these are the following.
  • Content of Your Post
    Your post should be originally written from you. Try to brainstorm and read some articles to gain some ideas. Internet is a good source of ideas so try to make some research. Understand the thought of what you are reading but never copy the article. Give some time before you publish your post. Some ideas will come out after few hours or days. And the title should not be too long. If possible, make it brief but concise.
  • Design of Your Post
    Use some bullet points or numbers when you're giving some steps or tips. This will help the readers understand each points properly. Some important words or phrase should be bold. Italicize the word/s if it is somebody's thought or if needed.
  • Format of Your Post
    Try viewing your blog. The font size and the type should look fine and clear and make sure the color doesn't look sharp nor blurry.

July 1, 2012

Blogging Tip #3: Design Your Blog

       This tip is also important. Of course all the tips are important but this one should not be neglected. Why? Because this is one reason that your readers or visitors will stay in your blog. There are two things that you should keep in mind when creating the design of your blog. The combination of colors placed in your blog and the arrangement of gadgets or what we called layout in Blogspot. The following are the explanations and or examples in making a good design.
  •  Color Combination
    When we say color combination, it means that we will be talking about the colors that will be used. If your background is dark color (e.g. black), the title of your blog, and the text should be a light color like white. But don't use full white and full black because it will irritate the eye of your readers later on. Full black and full white are too sharp. You should adjust the brightness of the black and turn it into grayish but dark. And the white into grayish light. An example of good color combination is Facebook. I appreciate the combination of colors because it won't irritate your eyes even if you stayed for an hour or more.

  • Arrangement of Gadgets
    The gadgets in your blog must be arranged properly. Your blog should not look crowded. I know we can critique a blog whether the arrangement is good or not. You should give importance with this aspect especially when you're displaying some ads already. Some advertisements looks crowded so be sure to make it look good and proper.