Hi there. Do you know what is captcha? I know you've encountered this already but didn't know what it really is. Captcha are images which contains letters and or numbers used to verify an action and to make sure that the action is made by a person not by a robot. The word captcha is based on the word 'capture' and an acronym which stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". This is an example of captcha:
Users type this word in the space provided. In the other end, there are humans who also type this code called Human Solvers. If both the user and the solvers has the same input, then the user can now continue with his work. There are companies which hires you just to type this word. You're being paid from $0.80 to $1.25 for every 1000 captcha images you've solved depending on the time. Some people earns a lot by just typing captchas. But you need to be careful with this work. You should not make a lot of mistakes or what they call as "garbage". Entering text that doesn't resembles the images like 'asdgfg' will be considered garbage which will lead to suspension and will not pay you a single penny for it. You must work with your heart with patience if you'll enter with this type of job. I can recommend a site which pays you for typing captcha images. You can click here to register and enter this invitation code to fully register. Type any of this from 212E, 212F until 212N. You can't continue your registration without these codes. Practice your typing skills to type more captcha images. Remember, more words means more earnings.
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